Sunday, June 8, 2008

Runway.Fashion and Envy deleted!

When I logged on this morning, I got a message saying, to my suprise, that Envy had been deleted. I then went to see if there was anything about it on Runway.Fashion's page but that had also been deleted!
On the Envy Magazine website, there is a message from Runway.Fashion, and it's shown below.

I personally believe that Runway.Fashion couldn't take the controversy against her magazine and that's why she left. Looks like Style is still sitting way up on her high horse though. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

this proves that rf was weak

Anonymous said...

She wasn't weak.
Think about it, would you take all the blame for copying and stuff?
No. Didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous above me. Yes she WAS weak. I think most people would take the blame for something they obviously did! And the people that don't.. including you, are cowards!