Saturday, February 23, 2008

Couples News

In couples news, an elite Stardoll couple has called it quits. BeverlyHillsHei and Branman4545 have called it quits.
I am surprised it lasted this long!
Branman4545 is now dating xxdrivebylove.
But a very close friend to BeverlyHillsHei commented "I knew they weren't gonna last long. She is too much of a promiscuous girl and he is too much of a player. She already moved on to some guy. She says he is real hot, rich, and he is a superstar. But she won't tell me who it is because she wants to keep it quiet for now. But BeverlyHillsHei says Branman4545 and her do plan on staying good friends and only good friends."
At least we know they have moved on.


Anonymous said...

its true.
it was bound to happen.

Anonymous said...

i feel bad for her

Anonymous said...

Elite-Beats is a new hot spot to party at, so much wild partying going on there.

Anonymous said...


Think your elite? Have the look?

Then send a f/r now!