Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Just A Little Reminder To Everyone

Do not give out your password to anyone! Not even if they say they will give you a gift code. Because 99.99% of the time you give out your password to someone you will be hacked and never get your account back.
Please, never give out your password.
I know this may sound a little selfish of me, but if you are dumb enough to give out your password, you should get hacked for a little while to teach you a lesson. I am tired of girls telling me to do articles on them because they got their account stolen.
Why were they dumb enough to give out their account in the first place. I met a girl, who her account was hacked 5 times! Because she thought she was gonna get a gift code and a makeover.
What the hell were you thinking? I thought she would learn the first time!
Sorry if I sound selfish.

Just a reminder, never give out your password, and report Mengo for hacking springate's account. She gave her password out, and look at her now, she is battling trying to get her account back.


Anonymous said...

that is a little bitchy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How is this bitchy? It's called common sense. And why do we keep going on about 'the elite'? What is making them special so that they are different to everybody else? I no mean to be rude... xx

Anonymous said...

I agree to pure.couture! It is common sense. People are stupid!!!