Saturday, February 9, 2008

Grow Up Elle!

That is what people are telling GossipbyElle or GossipbyElle's "mother" in GossipbyElle's guest book. Her "mother" is saying that she committed suicide because of a source who wants to remain anonymous. The source who wants to remain anonymous was getting harassed by Elle because she gave me a great story and didn't give it to Elle. What a shame Elle. Grow up! Act your age!


Anonymous said...

she is absolutely DISGUSTING.

Anonymous said...

what a loser!

Anonymous said...

Your "story" simply doesn't make sense. Why on earth would Elle (or Elle's mother--your writing isn't clear) commit suicide for harassing someone else, who conveniently remains anonymous for "the story," which also conveniently, is left unmentioned? If anyone needs to grow up...

Anonymous said...

Funny that you are telling someone else to grow up, when what you do here is not exactly mature work either...

Daily*Tabloid said...

She is going to remain anonymous because she gave me a story about Style_Magazine and Model-Selena that GossipbyElle was going to get but the anonymous member liked my magazine more so she gave it to me. And GossipbyElle went balistic and that is why she quit. Happy?

Anonymous said...

Elle's distgusting,
and she even admitted it was a fake suicide!