Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Stardoll socialite/fashionista Sophia*Lauren was hacked yesterday! Remember I commented on my fashion blog on how her hair was very ugly and how I said "I wonder if she got hacked?".
Well it turns out Sophia*Luaren DID infact get hacked!
Many of you are probablly thinking she was stupid for giving out her password. Well it turns out, Sophia*Lauren is smart! She did NOT give out her password.
She said "I guess someone took a good guess."
Well we are glad you are back Sophia!

And this message is for everybody, NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD! 99.99% of the time you give away your password, it will end up in getting your account hacked! NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD NO MATTER WHAT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree!!!!
You should never give out your password!
But if I was the person who hacked her account, I would take all her hot buys!