Sunday, May 4, 2008

Couple News!

Did Prime_Tyme dump babuci1992? I guess so.
And guess who he might be going out with now? His ex, holla1012!
Prime_Tyme has been leaving flirty comments in holla1012's guestbook such as these below.

And have you noticed that babuci1992 doesn't say on her presentation that her and Prime_Tyme are together? Well it is no more!
I think babuci1992 and Prime_Tyme made a cute couple, but I think holla1012 and Prime_Tyme will make an even cuter couple!


Anonymous said...

I thought they were a cute couple. But right now I think the Holla girl is creepy.

Anonymous said...

i think Prime_Tyme is a big flirt and he was seen in elite beats having drinks with drew the slut! I think he should date diva_always since she does his decorating. They make the best couple to me.

Anonymous said...

word on the street is, mr.milan. and gemma_w are an item. is that tru?

Anonymous said...

why coldnt it be me he went out with.. ive been chasin him for years. but congrats if they are.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The person that said Ick!!!!She has a fat ass!! Ur the reason why America wants women to look like thin toothpicks. Finally we have a person on stardoll that is popular and cruvy. And guess what Prime_tyme likes them thicker if she likes her. And plus she's really pretty. I think they make a dynamic couple and they look cute together.

Anonymous said...

Prime_Tyme is a liar guy. He plays with the girls.

Hey girls, what do you like in this dude??????????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol Yo Steven i'm not a liar dude... i dont lead the ladies girl in SD can truthfully say that I ever led her on... i am a one woman man and she knows who she is... the rest of this stuff is just rumors and I dont focus on rumors!
To anon #2- Diva_Always is a beautiful person in real life, but she is as close to me as a sister, so that would be incest to date her lol
Holla1012 and Babucci1992 are equally 2 of the most amazing girls I have ever met on SD... many of you should take notes to see how a real lady should act and carry herself.
I hope this ends the crazy comments!
My heart is in the Promise, not the pleasure...

Anonymous said...

prime_tyme, It's a lie if you have a gf and you flirt with somebody.

Anonymous said...

prime_tyme, It's a lie if you have a gf and you flirt with somebody.

Your gf is stupid if she believes you. Sorry lady.

Anonymous said...

Holla1012 look good. If Prime_tyme wanna play her. Den Im a show her what a real man's about. I wouldn't mind tappin' that either

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahaha! You got busted!

Anonymous said...

You people are mean...Malik was my ex. I met him in real and he fucked me well enough. geee..he's good at bed...and has a big one...

Anonymous said...

I only wanted sex and he wanted a relationship so I had sex with him and i dumped him i was like ah ah ah harder babeyy